Monthly Archives: November 2022

Funeral Homes in Clarksburg MD

Tips and Ideas for a Truly Thoughtful Memorial

Funeral homes in Clarksburg, MD, can offer you a space to not only pre-plan for events but create ones that are authentic for your loved ones. The memorial services can be a way to help develop a sense of healing and connection and offer an opportunity to celebrate the individual’s memory. And although it may be challenging to pick the details if they don’t have a plan in place, we have included some helpful suggestions to get you started.

Have an Open Mic

One of the strongest reminders of a loved one’s legacy is through the sharing of stories about them. An open mic at the memorial service allows friends and family members to offer their experiences with the person and highlight how the individual positively affected their lives.

Create a Painting

One way to make a memorable impression for attendees is to have a piece of artwork created about the loved one. Paintings, photo displays, and other decorative items that commemorate the individual’s life can be genuinely touching and meaningful additions to the event.

Display Their Hobbies

Most individuals have hobbies they enjoy regularly, and if your loved one had collections, this could be a unique option to include. Whether they were a scrap booker, photographer, or collect stamps, these can all be a way to highlight something that they truly enjoyed and were passionate about.

Add a Theme

Themes are another way to showcase the individual’s life. Consider things they enjoyed, and whether it was chocolate chip cookies or a specific shade of blue, these can be added to the memorial to remember them.

Do a Release

Releases are another standard option, and they can be an experience that can signify sending off the loved one at the event. Butterflies, doves, and even paper lanterns can all be exceptional options for adding a sense of beauty to the service.

Have Everyone Contribute to a Capsule

One popular option is to create a capsule full of memories about the individual. This could be a box or container that attendees can contribute to by adding items that they feel represent the loved one’s legacy. It can be a comforting option to look through and remember the individual on special days like birthdays or memories.

Write Messages on the VesselFuneral Home in Clarksburg MD

The last recommendation is to provide sharpie markers and have the attendees write messages to the individual on the casket or coffin. This can be an excellent way for individuals to process their grief and express pain around the loss of the person.

We are Here as a Trusted Source of Care

Creating an exceptional service is easier if you consider ways to incorporate interests or specific things about the loved one’s life. It can help give a sense of closure and healing to those in attendance, and if you need additional help, you can always reach out to loved ones for ideas.

When it’s time to plan the event with one of the funeral homes in Clarksburg, MD, having a professional on your side is crucial for funeral etiquette, and we would love to help you from start to finish, so contact us today or check our community outreach.

Cremation Services in Silver Spring MD

History and Facts about Urns

Urns Have a Unique History, and here are Some of the Highlights

Urns and cremation services in Silver Spring, MD, have gone together for thousands of years, and these vessels have played a pivotal role throughout history. We are not only essential for housing remains, but they can also be a way to honor loved ones and remember them through customization. Because they are so crucial for some individuals, this article will highlight the history, facts, and personalization options to consider.

History of Urns

Urns can be described as a container with a lid. The interior is intended to hold the cremated remains of individuals who have passed away and traditionally will be in the form of a vase. These vessels have been used worldwide, with the oldest being discovered in China around 5000 to 3000 BC. There were over 700 urns in one location; they all ranged in size and shape.

From 1300 BC to 750 BC, the Bronze Age also used these containers and had large cemeteries for the urns. The ancient Greeks adopted the idea because they found cremation was a more practical option than a traditional burial. They also have a deep love for sculptures and art, so it was natural for them to use a vase to house the remains. The Greeks felt that cremation was a noble process and would be used to honor respected individuals in society.

Between 27 BC and 395 AD, the Roman Empire also started using cremation. However, their urns were much larger and more elaborate, and they would be stored in specially designed buildings called columbariums.

Early Christians felt that cremation was frowned upon, so cremation began to decline until 1874 when it became popular again in England. Queen Victoria’s doctor recommended that she be cremated instead of buried, and around 1913, 52 crematoria were built in the United States, making it a more socially acceptable process.

Customization Tips and Considerations

A few things to consider about urns are:

  • They come in many different shapes, sizes, and materials
  • If you are planning on keeping the urn for an extended., choose a more durable material
  • There are biodegradable options available for burials or ash scatterings
  • Adding words, phrases, or Bible quotes to the urn is one customization option
  • Companion urns are also another option if two people want to have their ashes placed together
  • Individuals are now able to add images to the urn for a unique lookCremation Service in Silver Spring MD

When You Need an Affordable and Compassionate Solution, we Have you Covered

Urns have a long-standing place in history, and they have not only been an excellent way to honor someone after they passed away, but they also create a safe holding space for the remains. The pain of loss is different for everyone, and when it’s time to plan cremation services in Silver Spring, MD, you want a trusted source at your side, and we are here for you. We have been a local provider for over four generations; it can help you create a truly memorable event, so contact us today when death occurs.

Funeral Homes in Silver Spring MD

At Sea Burials Options

Having an At Sea Burial is a Unique Way to Send Off Your Loved One, so here’s More on Them

It is not uncommon for individuals to choose a traditional burial with one of the funeral homes in Silver Spring, MD. But for others, it may feel more authentic to have a burial at sea instead. These events have been taking place for thousands of years, and we have gathered some facts about them to help you understand some considerations about them.

What Regulations Are in Place?

At-sea burials can either be done through full body disposal or cremation, and the EPA has a set of rules and regulations that need to be followed to complete these ceremonies, including:

  • The disposal needs to take place at least three nautical miles from land
  • Depending on the location, the water will need to be between 600 and 1800 feet in depth
  • Any items that are placed in the water with the body need to be row degradable
  • If a casket is going to be used, it needs to have holes drilled in it to assure that it sinks
  • Weights and chains can be added to the casket to ensure it stays on the bottom of the ocean floor
  • The EPA needs to be notified at least 30 days in advance of the event

Navy Process

This option is available for anyone who served in the military, and the event will be held on I shipped it is on deployment. This means that the family is not going to be able to attend the event, but a commanding officer will send a notification to them, letting them know the location, time, and date of the ceremony. This is a free option; if the individual has any specific religious preferences, these would also be honored at the event.


If the individual is a civilian, the family must charter a ship with a company specializing in these events. A funeral director will also need to be present for the disposal, and different sizes of vessels are available depending on the event’s needs.

Cremation Options

Scattering the ashes is also a common practice, and, in most cases, most professional companies will offer this service as well. There are some guidelines for this type of event as well, so it can be helpful to check with local agencies before scheduling. In addition, biodegradable urns are available as an alternative to scattering the ashes into the waves.

When You Need a Trusted Name at Your SideFuneral Home in Silver Spring MD

While the most common choice for most individuals is to scatter the ashes, full body disposal is also an excellent option for anyone who loves the water. Working with a professional team at one of the funeral homes in Silver Spring, MD, can make a difference in the process, and we work hard to help make the event as streamlined as possible. Our team of experts takes great pride in offering exceptional services, so contact us today and have a talk of a lifetime.