Anytime an individual passes away, there will be a need to contact funeral homes in Silver Spring, MD, to schedule services to lay them to rest. One part of a traditional burial can consist of a graveside service event, so if you are attending one or need to plan one having one, it is good to get as much knowledge as possible. Here is more information on graveside services to help you in your planning.
What Is Their Purpose?
A graveside service is a ceremony that happens while the deceased is laid in the ground. It can be one of the last steps in the whole process with the funeral services and maybe one of the only events depending on the individual’s needs. For some religions and cultures, it signals to send the body back into the earth to allow the individual to rest in peace.
What are the Details?
The service will generally consist of a speaker giving a eulogy or prayer for the deceased. In most situations, there is only one speech given, but this can also vary depending on if others have words or stories they would like to share about the event. This is a simplified function and will not usually include musicians or decorations such as photos or video tributes.
Because the service is typically held in a graveyard, it can have a more significant number of individuals, but it comes down to the family’s wishes. In many cases, it is more of a private function with limited people when it comes to the graveside service.
A few things to keep in mind when it comes to attending a graveside service is a particular form of etiquette traditionally expected. The attire you choose should be more conservative and consist of dark colors without wearing anything too revealing or casual such as sandals or baseball hats. In addition, there may also be a form of visitation where the attendees will create a line to offer their condolences to the family and to thank whoever was leading the event.
After the graveside service, there may also be an event scheduled for friends or family members that can consist of a reception for individuals to gather to show support after the loss.
Creating Connection Through Community
The graveside service is an opportunity for individuals to see the loved one off as they go to their final resting place. It can offer a sense of closure and healing as they begin to process losing individuals and life without them.
Snowden Funeral Home understands the pain of loss and wants you to know we are here to offer compassionate support and care for all our clients. We are a family-owned and operated business focusing on creating events for our clients that truly honor their loved ones. If you have recently lost someone and are looking at funeral homes in Silver Spring, MD, we would love to be of service, so give us a call today to schedule your appointment.