How much do you know about cremation services in Silver Spring, MD? While you may have accumulated a lot of information about the body disposition option over the years, you might find that there’s a lot you don’t know about it. There are, in fact, many things about cremation that people get wrong. Check out these 5 things about cremation a lot of people get wrong.
Fact #1: Cremation is More Common Than Burial
Once upon a time, a funeral followed by a burial was by far the most common body disposition type. But things have changed a lot over the decades. Cremation is now on par with, and in some jurisdiction ahead of, burial. And many industry experts believe that cremations will in the years ahead far outpace burials as the body disposition option of choice for most people.
Fact #2: You Can Pair a Cremation with a Funeral Service
While some funeral homes won’t allow you to plan a cremation with a funeral service, there are some that will accommodate this request. When you choose the right funeral home, you can arrange a cremation and also arrange a funeral service in a church or in a chapel. The funeral service can be held either before the cremation service or after the cremation service.
Fact #3: You Can Plan a Cremation Even if You’re Religious
There are a few religions that are not in favor of cremation. But the vast majority of them are okay with funerals and cremations, which means that you likely won’t have any issues. If you have questions about this, you can ask the funeral director you hire for the funeral or cremation planning. They will give you the answers or look into it and then let you know what they find.
Fact #4: You Don’t Have to Buy an Urn
While an urn is ideal if you want somewhere to place the ashes of your deceased loved one, you don’t technically have to use one. Funeral homes also offer other containers, usually made out of cardboard, that you can place the ashes into. The choice is yours.
Fact #5: Ashes Pose No Health Concerns
Another thing about cremations that people sometimes get wrong relates to the ashes. Some believe that ashes may pose health risks. This is false. There is no risk to health or to the environment. So you can scatter the ashes without worrying about causing harm.
We’re the sort of cremation services provider in Silver Spring, MD that you can turn to if you need more tips and recommendations about explaining cremation to children. We’re here to help you with planning for a deceased relative or with preplanning for yourself. We’re a family owned and operated funeral home that has been serving the community since the early 1900s. We also have a track record of helping people who need the help of a professional death care services provider. You can reach us by phone or visit our office to speak to someone in person.