People may decide for cremation because they wish to minimize their impact on the environment or because it is a family tradition. Even if cremation is chosen, families still want to honor their loved one with a funeral they will never forget. Your cremation services in Clarksburg, MD, may integrate numerous unique memorial service ideas. Some suggestions for planning a funeral that brings family members together in mutual support and appreciation of a life well lived are provided below.
Photo tributes
Funeral professionals may also help families build picture memory boards that show a chronology of the person’s life or themed boards that concentrate on certain connections or hobbies. Photos in these displays become an even more significant method to generate visual memories for families that choose cremation and don’t wish to have a typical viewing.
Also, explore different means of showing images during a service. One example of this is to tie photographs to the strings of helium-filled balloons over the guestbook table. Ideas such as these will be especially welcomed by families who want the service to have a hope-filled, joyful mood.
Personalized urns
A customized urn can assist a family reflect their loved one’s distinct characteristics, particularly if they would prefer to have the urn present during the funeral. Customization may be as easy as engraving the urn or an attaching plaque or take the form of a more ornate urn with a unique shape or picture. Veterans’ service may be recognized with specific decorations on the urn.
Don’t forget to consult with the family to select how the urn should be displayed — this will give some more opportunity to customize the memorial ceremony. Many families opt to display a picture, but other significant objects may be be presented to make a more lasting legacy. For example, the urn may be put on a pedestal covered with a handmade blanket that was important to the loved one. Specially crafted flower arrangements and candles may add to a meditative environment.
Video presentations
There’s a reason why video displays are a popular aspect for memorial ceremonies, regardless of whether a family chooses cremation or burial. These movies might help people bond over shared experiences and find delight in the experience. While most of these films are photo-based, it’s also feasible to add home footage and interviews with family members.
Video presentations are also a fantastic subject to discuss with families that prearrange funerals. By arranging in advance, they’ll have the chance to film a video of the individual who will be recognized during the event. In exchange, that individual will have a fantastic method to tell their experience in their own words and send messages of love to aid their family through the tough time.
Personalized exhibits
Customized displays during funeral services and celebration of life ceremonies allow funeral directors a chance to demonstrate their creativity. Therefore it’s vital to ask leading inquiries about the person’s interests and hobbies – you may unearth a concept that ends up being the most memorable component of the service.
Themed displays may be implemented throughout the event site to give an immersive experience for family and friends. If a person produced model aircraft, why not place a collection of them at the door of the service for people to enjoy and remember about? Some people have been honored on an even grander scale – for example, with displays of historic vehicles in the funeral home parking lot. You can check out our service now.
Contact us now if you still have questions and clarifications about cremation memorial services, you can reach cremation services in Clarksburg, MD.